Book an appointment for preventive dentistry in Amherstview


What is preventive dentistry?

Preventive dentistry focuses on reducing the need for dental treatment by maintaining a healthy mouth. By preventing decay and gum disease, you increase the chances of keeping your teeth healthy for life. Our approach combines the efforts of our dentists, hygienists, and you to avoid the traditional cycle of fillings and extractions with great preventative care.

Our Preventive Services Include:

  • Professional cleanings
  • Periodontal health maintenance
  • Personalized oral health plans

Experience the benefits of preventive dentistry at Lakeview Dental in Amherstview and Kingston. Schedule your appointment today to ensure a healthy smile for life!

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Preventive Dentistry at Lakeview Dental in Amherstview and Kingston

At Lakeview Dental in Amherstview and Kingston, we offer comprehensive preventive dental services to maintain your oral health. Our caring dental hygienists clean your teeth and help you maintain excellent periodontal health, aiming to preserve your healthy teeth for a lifetime.